Wednesday, 19 September 2012

The I word.

Lily has started nursery Monday, and we had a taster session last week. At the end of every day, she chooses a book from the library. On her very first day, she picked this one (I won't mention the title) about a monster who uses dummies.

On page 3 (or something very early on), one of the monster's relations says that she looks like an idiot wearing the stupid thing. I can't begin to describe the face I must have pulled when I read that. And I read faster than I think, so when I realised how horrible it sounded, I had already said it. Out loud. To my 3 year old. Am I overreacting?

This is not a word we use in this house and, quite frankly, it's the first time I come across it in a child's book. I know one of the objectives of reading is to enrich one's vocabulary, but I don't this word is required, especially not at this age.

The book doesn't look new, but there are dozens of other books, so I wonder if anyone at the school ever read it.  Should I bring it to the teachers' attention or will they just think me a fool for caring what sort of language my child uses? *sigh*

(PS I will pretend it was only yesterday I posted last. Please forgive me.)

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