I haven't been writing properly. I know. I really don't want this blog to become my diet-book-photo Friday diary. I want to share what goes on in the life of someone building a business whilst raising a child and trying to keep sane in the meantime. The problem is, I haven't really been sane in the past few weeks. Too much going on in my head, so much that it will probably bore the life out of anyone who reads this blog. It's like I am a teenager and am still living all that conflict: what do I want to be when I grow up. I wonder what it's like for other people. Is everybody happy with their first (or second choice) or do they wonder if they made the right choice? Do they do anything about it?
Me, this is my problem: from the age 11, I knew I wanted to be an architect. One that already loved photography then. And at some point, I changed my mind. I wanted to be a photographer. My mother, then, said I should have a proper profession and back I went to architecture. And then I moved to the UK, in the beginning of this horrible recession, when architecture jobs became really hard to find. So I went back to photography. And I love being a photographer. But I don't really love being admin person, marketeer, PR, accountant, web designer and all the other tasks that fall on you when you are a sole trader. So I always keep architecture in the back of my head, and sometimes it tells me it wants to make a comeback. And there I am, caught in the middle of my mad brain's, err, suggestions of what I should do with my life.
Whereas it's not a very nice place to be, we have just booked our holidays in Brazil which means I will have lots of thinking and relaxing time. But hopefully I will be able write beyond diets, books and photography in the next few weeks before our holidays. :)
On dieting news...
Well, I do have to talk about it, so I can keep myself motivated and maybe (only maybe!) motivate others. Starting is the hardest part, isn't it? Making that decision that your life needs to change. So I started last Tuesday, using the Special K website.
I found using the website straightforward. You put in your details, choose what type of diet you would like and it gives you a menu, a shopping list and lots of additional extras. There's also a phone app, which helps with the shopping and having the menu and recipes in the kitchen. There are two downsides so far: some recipes don't have the measurements and, sometimes, ingredients are missing; and it doesn't seem to recognise the fact the I started last Tuesday, not last Thursday. Neither have been major problems, firstly because I adapt most recipes anyway (and use common sense when ingredients are missing) and I am keeping the weigh in diary (or weekly?) here on the blog.
So this week's result:
I am really pleased considering I went to a BBQ on Saturday (it was a birthday party, I had cake) and had lunch at the pub yesterday (the menu said Sunday roast... I had one from the kids menu). Plus I haven't felt hungry - which is great. I can't wait to leave the triple digits behind me FOREVER.
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